When you go out to go to the competitions there is a long list of things that you must transport in the truck or trailer with the horse.


As there is always something that contributes to delaying the start, even just the fact that day, the horse has decided that it does not want to get on it, to avoid wasting more time it is good to know clearly what you need to take with you.


It is clear, that being away one day (or less) to go to a contest at an hour is very different from being away two or more days. In any case, there are some things that you can never forget.


When traveling, the horse will wear high travel protectors or, if it cannot support them, boots or headbands. In summer it is not necessary, but the rest of the year you will also bring a blanket (never too heavy because it is usually hot in the vehicle).


Horse documents


You should always carry your horse's documentation with you when you travel to participate in competitions. This is the first essential, so we recommend always having it in the vehicle that is going to transport the animal.


Horse accessories


Here you cannot miss: saddle, bridles, reins, lower seat cover (with a safety change in case it gets dirty), martingale or harness if the horse uses them and leg protectors.


It would always be better to bring an emergency bridle if the one being used breaks suddenly, in addition, as in competitions it is necessary to present your horse at its best, it is good to remember that you have to bring a nice bridle.


Rider clothing


Show jacket, hat, show shirt, tie, pants, clothes brush to avoid entering the show with a dusty jacket, boots and spurs. If you are away for more than one day, you should bring a spare saddle for the horse, pants and more shirts for yourself.


Tack Locker


It should contain everything you need to make it look good: toilet, coat, sponges, shampoo, splint, polishing cloth, foot cleaner, foot grease and / or oil, shower and glue brush, anti-mosquito product if it is summer and, if it is usually braided, comb and elastic bands.


These equestrian tack lockers or horse saddleboxes are perfect for storing saddles, bridles, helmet, hardware and all kinds of accessories. In this way, you can keep the equestrian equipment well stored so that it does not suffer damage.


In Saddlebox you can find a wide range of customized lockers that will serve you on your trips with your horse.


Blankets and Sweatshirts


A blanket to absorb sweat if it is a horse that sweats a lot, covers for the stable if it is winter. If it is summer, however, you will need the insect blanket.


First aid kit and wellness products


Especially if the contest is demanding and you do not return home immediately, it is important to bring with you a decongestant product, instant ice, a product to counteract any accumulation of lactic acid, supplements if the horse is taking them, bandages if it is necessary to bandage the horse, in addition to the first aid kit with everything you need to deal with emergencies.


Water and food


The truck cannot be without a bucket for water and hay that can be used to distract the horse during the trip, especially if the trip is long, but also if he spends some time waiting for his turn to get into his box.


If you are away for more than a day, you have to calculate hay according to meals and a wheelbarrow can be very convenient for traveling. It is always better to bring the hay that the horse is used to from home.


The one at the place of the contest may not be to the taste of the horse (or maybe it is not of good quality) and it is essential that it be fed on those days. Food must also be brought in - abruptly changing the diet is a great way to get the horse colicky.


Always having a list with everything you need when you go to the competition makes it easier and faster to load the truck and can be a great help not to forget anything.


What about you, what is it that you cannot forget when you travel with your horse?


Bon Voyage!

Posted on 2021-04-05 by C. Navarro 0 9525

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